Air Quality Laboratories, Inc.


Employer safety and health programs need to be effective in order to provide the best protection to the workforce.  A program that is poorly communicated or implemented will likely be ineffective. There are several key components that are needed to help make a program effective and compliant.   With the expertise of a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) AQL can assist the employer with the development and evaluation of these key components:

MANAGEMENT LEADERSHIP - It has to start at the top. Visible management leadership provides the motivating force for an effective safety and health program. Site safety and health issues should be regularly included on agendas of management operations meetings.  Management should clearly demonstrate; by involvement, support, and example, the primary importance of safety and health for everyone on the worksite.

EMPLOYEE PARTICIPATION - Employee participation provides the means through which workers identify hazards, recommend and monitor abatement, and otherwise participate in their own protection.  Workers should be involved with workplace analysis, inspections, and development of control strategies throughout the facility.  In addition, the employees need the training to participate in such activities.

IMPLEMENTATION - Implementation means the tools provided by management, that include:

      - budget
      - information
      - personnel
      - assigned responsibility
      - adequate expertise and authority
      - line accountability
      - program review procedures

The tools used to implement a safety and health program must be adequate and effectively used.  Written safety procedures, policies, and interpretations are updated based on reviews of the program.

SURVEY AND HAZARD ANALYSIS - An effective, proactive safety and health program must seek to identify and analyze all hazards. Surveys are conducted periodically and drive appropriate corrective action.  Initial surveys are best conducted by a certified safety professional.

INSPECTIONS - To identify new or previously missed hazards and failures in hazard controls, an effective safety and health program will include regular site  inspections by specifically trained employees.  Workplace inspections are planned with key observations or check points defined and results documented.

HAZARD REPORTING - A reliable hazard reporting system enables employees, without fear of reprisal, to notify management of conditions that appear hazardous.  Employees are periodically instructed in hazard identification.

ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION - An effective program will provide for investigation of accidents and "near miss" incidents, so their cause, and the means for their prevention, are identified and implemented.  OSHA recordable incidents are always investigated.

DATA ANALYSIS - An effective program will analyze injury and illness records for indications of sources and locations of hazards, and jobs that experience higher numbers of injuries.

HAZARD CONTROL - Workforce exposure to all current and potential hazards should be prevented or controlled by using engineering controls whenever feasible, work practices, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment. The employer should require strict and complete compliance with all internal program requirements and all external regulatory obligations.

SAFETY AND HEALTH TRAINING - Training should cover the safety and health responsibilities of all personnel who work at the site. It is most effective when incorporated into other training about performance requirements and job practices.  The training should be scheduled, assessed, documented and conducted by knowledgeable persons.  Training must cover all necessary topics and situations.

Is your Safety Program effective?  Can improvements be made to improve the safety and health of your employees?   Contact AQL today to discuss how our certified professional safety experience can assist you with the key components of your safety program.

The OSHA Hazard Communication Standard provides workers using hazardous chemicals with the "Right to Know" the hazards of the materials they use and how to protect themselves from adverse effects of exposure.  The primary components of the standard are:






This regulation is the most often cited OSHA standard resulting in thousands of dollars in penalties each year to the average cited manufacturing company.  With the expertise of a Certified Safety Professional (CSP) AQL can assist your company in all aspects of this OSHA standard by developing and evaluating your: Written Program, MSDS & Labels, Chemical Inventory and implementation of the program including the required training of your employees.   Click here for a useful Hazard Communication Checklist.

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